Daily Gallipoli or Troy

Pick up at 6:00 from Taksim area hotels or 6:30 - 7:00 from Sultanahmet area hotels. Departure for Gallipoli. The journey takes approximately 5.5 hours but we will stop at around 9:00 for breakfast in a local restaurant (breakfast is not included). Arrival in Gallipoli and visit: Brighton Beach, the intended landing place, Beach Cemetery on the southern tip of Anzac Cove, the landing place of the first wave of Australian and New Zealand troops and home to up to 30,000 troops during the campaign, Ariburnu Cemetery, Anzac Commemoration Site, Lone Pine Australian Memorial, site of the successful attack and capture of Turkish trenches by the Australians during the August offensive, Johnston’s Jolly where you will visit the original Allied and Turkish trenches and tunnels, 57th Regiment Turkish Memorial, The Nek and the Chunuk Bair New Zealand Memorial. We will begin our return to Istanbul at approximately 18.00 and arrive around 23.00 in Istanbul and drop off at hotels.
**Tour is done with a local guide at Gallipoli.

Pick up at 6:00 from Taksim area hotels or 6:30 - 7:00 from Sultanahmet area hotels. Departure for Troy. The journey takes approximately 6.5 hours but we will stop at around 9:00 for breakfast in a local restaurant (breakfast is not included). Arrival in Eceabat around 12:00 and lunch by the Dardanelles Straight. At around 12:45 we cross the straight by ferry and continue to Troy to visit the legendary site with its nine levels of civilization. Troy is the city of Helen and was famous in Homer’s Iliad. You will see the reproduction of the Trojan Horse and learn about the Trojan Wars as well as seeing the Sacrificial Altars, ancient city walls and houses of Troy which are thousands of years old, the Bouleterium, Odeon and current excavations. We will return to Canakkale, depart for Istanbul at 18:00 taking the ferry back over the straight. Arrive late evening around 23:00 in Istanbul and drop off at hotels.
**Tour is done with a local guide in Troy.

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